Recipes - Misc - Ginger Beer Plant
Start the Plant:
2 teaspoons yeast
2 Tablespoons sugar
125 ml warm water
Mix together and allow to stand overnight then add:
1 teaspoon ginger
100 ml water
Every Day feeding thereafter:
Add one teaspoon ginger and one teaspoon sugar to plant.
Give it a good stir.
Every Friday
Strain Juice through cloth and reserve.
Divide sediment in half, discarding one half.
To remaining half of sediment add:
1 cup water
2 heaped teaspoons ginger
2 teaspoons sugar
Then return plant to every day feeding routine.
Ginger Beer
Dissolve 3 cups sugar in one litre hot water.
Add 3 litres cold water and 60 ml bottled lemon juice or the juice of 2 lemons.
Add reserved juice strained off plant.
Bottle for one week before using.
Makes about 4 ½ litres weekly.